Home remedies for fleas on cats
The most common flea found on cats and dogs is the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis), although any species of fleas, including fleas from rabbits, squirrels, or other wildlife, can be found on cats.
“Under ideal conditions, the flea can complete its entire life cycle in as little as two weeks; in adverse conditions, the cycle can take as much as a year.”
Adult fleas live, feed, and mate on our pets; the female flea lays eggs that fall off into the environment where they hatch into larvae. The larvae eat organic debris until they mature into pupae. The pupae may lie dormant for weeks to months, awaiting the ideal environmental conditions before hatching into adults. Newly hatched adult fleas jump onto a host animal to complete their life cycle. Two days after eating a blood meal from the host, the female flea begins to lay eggs. Under ideal conditions, the flea can complete its entire life cycle in as little as two weeks; in adverse conditions, the cycle can take as much as a year.
These spices can be a safe substitute for garlic powder which can be toxic to cats if taken in large quantities.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another grocery store product fleas dislike. Apple cider vinegar is ineffective in killing fleas, but it can make fleas jump off your cat’s skin. This makes it an excellent first attack to your battle against fleas. Mix the apple cider vinegar and water in a 2:1 proportion, then spray it on your cat’s coat. Fleas are stubborn and may require you to apply vinegar to your cat’s fur at home.
Also, vacuum your floors and upholstery and immediately throw away the bag. Wash all bedding with hot water and remove any bird feeders or pet food containers from your yard to avoid attracting wildlife that could infect your pet.
Dish Soap
Even the mildest formulations of dish soap are effective in eliminating fleas. After being diluted with water, the dish soap can break down fleas’ exoskeletons and kill them in minutes. Use a spray bottle to wet your cat’s fur, and then gently massage the dish soap into the hair.
You can use dish soap to trap fleas in your home. The fleas will be attracted to the soapy liquid and drown in it.
Chamomile and Lavender
Lavender can be used to gently soothe your pet’s skin and help them take a nap. However, it is a powerful and fast-acting flea treatment. Studies have shown that formulas with diluted lavender are just as effective in killing fleas as commercial chemicals. Let fresh lavender soak in water for at least 24 hours before straining the liquid. Spray the liquid onto your cat’s fur.
Loose chamomile tea, another compound known for soothing skin, can be used to treat fleas in your cat’s furry friend. After the tea has cooled completely, you can apply the liquid to the cat’s fur. Both treatments can be repeated daily as many times as you like.