Dog Urinary Tract Infections
A urinary tract infection is when your dog strains to urinate or urinates in places they shouldn’t. UTI dogs will often show signs and symptoms that can make it uncomfortable or even painful. Knowing the symptoms and the treatment options for dog urinary tract infections can help you detect them earlier and prevent future complications.
What is a UTI in dogs?
Infection is the cause of urinary tract infections in dogs. Bacteria cause the most common type of UTI in dogs. This is particularly true for female dogs with anatomically shorter and wider urethras than male dogs.
UTIs in dogs: Causes
Ascending bacteria is the most common cause of UTIs in dogs. Normal bacteria can spread through the urethra and infect the bladder. Skin is not always sterile. Obesity may make it more difficult for female dogs to stay clean and dry.
Sometimes, changes in the anatomy and vagina of the urethra or the vagina can lead to urine pooling. This can increase the risk of developing bacterial urinary tract infections. Bladder stones can act as a nidus and cause repeated UTIs.
UTI signs & symptoms in dogs
Dogs that ask to go outside more often than usual usually suffer from a urinary tract infection. A common sign is when your dog asks to go outside more often than usual. Other symptoms include bloody urine, straining and urinating with little urine production, and accidents.
You might also have other issues with your dog’s urinary tract that could be a UTI
Although bacterial infections are the most common cause of urinary problems in dogs, many other conditions could also be causing this problem. A thorough urinalysis and consultation with your veterinarian are required to determine the correct diagnosis.
Urinary issues can also be caused by bladder stones, prostate problems in older male dogs (especially if they haven’t been neutered), and endocrine disorders like diabetes and Cushing’s disease.
How can a dog with a UTI be diagnosed?
A urinalysis is required to diagnose urinary tract infections in dogs. While some veterinary clinics can perform this in-house, others will have to send the urine to an outside lab. Urinalysis is used to determine if there are any abnormal cells such as blood, inflammatory cells, bacteria, protein, or glucose.
A urine culture may be necessary in cases of recurrent infections or when a patient is allergic to certain antibiotics. The culture will identify the bacteria that caused the infection and tell the clinician which antibiotics it is sensitive to. It takes out the guesswork from the antibiotic selection.
There are many treatment options available for dog UTIs
Prescription antibiotics will always be used to treat urinary tract infections in dogs. There are no reliable over-the-counter remedies. If your dog is suffering from severe pain or straining to urinate, your veterinarian might recommend anti-inflammatory pain medication.
How can I prevent UTIs from my dog?
You can help your dog avoid UTIs by doing simple things at home. Weight loss is a good way to prevent bacteria from getting trapped in skin folds. Dogs who are on a diet that encourages thirst will urinate more frequently, preventing them from contracting bacteria.
Cranberry extract inhibits one type of bacterial from adhering to bladder cell walls. It may be useful if your dog is predisposed to this type of bacterial infection. However, it will not work for all dogs. Before you use any over-the-counter supplements, consult your veterinarian.
Consider pet insurance
Illness and Accident Coverage by pets Best Insurance, for instance, can be a valuable resource to help cover the costs of veterinary care. Dogs with urological problems cannot be treated at their home. Veterinary diagnostics and treatment can also be expensive. You can also schedule an appointment with any licensed veterinarian in the United States. This gives you the freedom to choose the best vet for your pet and family.