Pet Care 

Dog Care Tips: The Ultimate Guide for Pet Parents

A new puppy, or you’ve had dogs your whole life, there’s bound to be something in this list of dog care tips that you didn’t know – but should.

This massive list of tips for pet parents will be invaluable to me as someone who has worked in animal care for over 10 years and is a #doglover.

Dog Health Tips

1. Do not overfeed your dog. It will negatively impact their happiness and health.

50% of dogs in America are obese, which is on the rise. Overweight dogs have a higher risk of developing metabolic abnormalities, heart disease, joint disease, and other health issues. They are also less mobile and cannot run, play or do other activities as often as possible. Do your pet a favor and give them the recommended amount. Don’t let their puppy dog eyes ask for more.

2. Do not touch your dog’s nose

The dog’s nose should feel moist. Dogs’ noses will feel moist depending on the season and their moisture. However, a healthy dog will feel cool and slightly wet because dogs sweat through their noses to cool off.

3. Annual vet visits

Regularly have your dog examined by experts to check for health problems and provide you with personalized information that will help to ensure your pet is healthy for many years to come.

4. Create a “pet first-aid” kit

An emergency can occur, and you need to be prepared. This is particularly important if your dog goes hiking or camping and you cannot help. A DIY pet first aid kit is something every dog parent should have.

5. Get pet insurance

Unexpected and emergency illnesses and accidents can often run up to $1500. This can quickly become a financial burden as many as a quarter of all pets require emergency care every year. Pet insurance is an important investment covering unexpected costs and long-term health conditions.

6. Make sure to brush your dog’s teeth

Avoid expensive dental treatments in the future. Normal routine and make sure to use a toothpaste made specifically for dogs. With a little time and some training, you can make teeth brushing fun for your pet.

7. Prepare an emergency plan

Although it is not something you want to think about, it’s important to have a plan for your dog should any unfortunate events occur. Important information about your dog’s lifestyle, including how often they’re fed, how much they’re fed, medications, their vet’s phone number, etc. This list should be given to anyone in your life who could care for your dog in an emergency. Ask around to see if any people in your area could assist your dog quickly.

8. Play with Purpose

Playing with your dog is a great way to get to know them. Positive play experiences such as touching your dog’s feet, toes, and nails will help you eliminate their aversion to having these areas touched when it comes time to trim their nails. Your vet will be able to examine your dog’s ears easily and mouth if you get them used to this method. Your vet will find it easier to examine your dog.

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