Common Myths – True and False
Dogs are extraordinary, amazing, wonderful, wondrous and incredible (and incredibly lovable).
Let’s get rid of the mythic veil to find the truth.
Are all dogs angry at the mail carrier?
According to conventional wisdom, dogs will go postal if they see a mail carrier. This is not a personal attack on the person who delivers your mail. Your dog will instinctively protect your home and family from unwanted visitors. Your dog will instinctively chase and bark at the mail carrier when he comes to your door. If the dog manages to make the mail carrier leave, he will be rewarded. He may also continue barking when the mail carrier comes back another day.
Are cats and dogs natural enemies?
If cartoons were real, every dog would chase a cat as soon as it saw one. A bouncy musical score accompanied this. However, those who have raised cats and dogs together know that the two species are compatible. If the dog and cat have never met, the dog can try to attack the cat. This is known as a “predatory response.” You are thinking of keeping a cat and a dog together? Check out our article Dogs and Cats: How to Keep Peace in the House.
Chocolate is bad for dogs
According to research, chocolate is delicious and sweet for humans. Dogs are a different species. Chocolate can cause life-threatening diseases in dogs. A 30-pound dog can become toxic if they eat more than one ounce of chocolate.
Do dogs sense storms?
Although no one can predict the future, some dogs are more sensitive than us and can sense when a storm is coming. The details are covered in our article Dogs Can Predict Storms.
Can dogs sense ghosts?
Although the jury is still out on this question, some believe dogs can sense ghosts nearby. We’ll be sceptical until the ghost confirms it. This myth is currently filed under “Spectral Speculation”.
Can dogs detect health problems in humans?
There have been many stories about dogs detecting cancer in people and predicting seizures and heart attacks in their owners. Scientists are now taking note and trying to prove what dog lovers have long accepted: Dogs can be extremely sensitive to the smallest of problems, concerns, and changes. Even if you don’t believe dogs can detect health problems, one thing is certain: Dogs can make you feel better when you’re feeling ill.
Does St. Bernards have brandy?
Fact: St. Bernard dogs were traditionally bred to rescue alpine residents. Myth: These dogs carry small kegs filled with brandy around their necks to help injured or lost skiers and mountaineers. This legend dates back to the 19th century when Edwin Landseer, an English artist, created a fantasy image of an “alpine mastiff” with a keg brandy around its neck.
Did Johnstown, PA citizens be saved by a dog during the Great Flood of1889?
Dogs have saved many lives throughout history. We don’t doubt that. There are many stories of dogs alerting their masters or barking and dogs pulling people out of burning buildings. Morley is the dog who allegedly saved some Johnstown kids from the floodwaters of 1889. Although we would love to believe this happened, it is a fictional story invented by Michael Dudek (an author), who wrote a book about Morley. Some people have accepted the story that he wrote about Morley’s bravery during the flood over the years.
Is your dog truly the greatest creature in the universe?
This is not a myth. It is a fact. We didn’t have to tell you this.