Pet Care 

Can Dogs Sense Human Pregnancy?

Over millennia, the dog has been selectively bred for different behaviours, sensory abilities, and physical characteristics. Dog breeds can vary in size, colour, and shape. Dogs can perform many functions for humans, including hunting, herding and pulling loads. They also assist police and military personnel with therapy and companionship. The human-canine bond is a subject of constant study. Over the centuries, dogs have become uniquely adapted to human behaviour. Their influence on society has earned them the nickname “man’s best friend“. The earliest remains generally accepted as those of a domesticated dog were discovered in Bonn-Oberkassel, Germany.…

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Pet Care 

Which breed is my dog?

Although no two dogs are the same, genetic traits can influence their behaviour and predisposition to certain health issues. Future dog owners must research which breed is best for them and their families before adopting a new best friend. Knowing your dog’s breed is an important aspect of dog ownership. Responsible breeders should give new owners health and pedigree documents. Some breeds are more common at rescues and animal shelters. It can be difficult to identify the different breeds in your dog if you are thinking of adopting. What is it important to know…

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Pet Care 

Evolution of Pet Ownership

Animals have been a central part of human history throughout all time. Animals have been a major source of food, clothing, and transportation for humankind. Animals were the centre of religious worship in many cultures and times. While animals are still used for many traditional purposes, their role in society has changed. Over the past several hundred years, there has been an increase in the number of animals that are kept for companionship or pleasure. This fascinating infographic shows how relationships between humans and animals have changed over time. Prehistoric…

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Pet Care 

How do dogs eat food?

Your role in canine digestion usually involves the “before and after” stages. Here’s an overview of what happens during the “during” stage. Nutrition 101 Healthy dogs need nutritious food. Dogs need to eat nutritious food. The nutrients are the components that provide them with energy and raw materials. How to digest? In a process known as “digestion,” food is broken down into simple forms absorbed by the body. This happens in mammals’ digestive tract or alimentary tube, also known as the “gut”. This hollow tube is where food passes through.…

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Pet Care 

Common Myths – True and False

Dogs are extraordinary, amazing, wonderful, wondrous and incredible (and incredibly lovable). Let’s get rid of the mythic veil to find the truth. Are all dogs angry at the mail carrier? According to conventional wisdom, dogs will go postal if they see a mail carrier. This is not a personal attack on the person who delivers your mail. Your dog will instinctively protect your home and family from unwanted visitors. Your dog will instinctively chase and bark at the mail carrier when he comes to your door. If the dog manages…

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Pet Care 

Training tips for your new dog

It’s smart to start training your dog as soon as you bring it home. But where do you begin? How do you train your puppy the right way? How do you train an adult dog? There are many options available for training your pet. You can start training your dog or puppy right away by using these basic tips. Top 10 Dog Training Tips These are the top 10 tips from professional trainers for your dog. Tip 1: Choose your dog’s name wisely Finding the right name is part of…

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Pet Care 

Dog Care Tips: The Ultimate Guide for Pet Parents

A new puppy, or you’ve had dogs your whole life, there’s bound to be something in this list of dog care tips that you didn’t know – but should. This massive list of tips for pet parents will be invaluable to me as someone who has worked in animal care for over 10 years and is a #doglover. Dog Health Tips 1. Do not overfeed your dog. It will negatively impact their happiness and health. 50% of dogs in America are obese, which is on the rise. Overweight dogs have…

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Pet Care 

What is the Full-Grown Age of Cats?

It isn’t easy to not think of your cat as a baby when you’re a cat parent. Even after their golden years, it’s still easy to consider them a baby. Many cats keep their youthful behaviour throughout adulthood. This makes it difficult to ask: When are cats fully grown, adults? And at what age is a cat full-grown? When a kitten is born into a cat’s life, it depends on its breed and age. What is the Full-Grown Age of Cats? You have one day a kitten, and then they…

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Pet Care 

Can Cats Watch TV?

Cats are the most popular subject in irresistible online videos. It’s natural to wonder if cats might also enjoy them. Can cats see TV and comprehend what’s being shown? Can cats see TV and say, “Wow! What a great show!” Parents of cat owners are interested in finding out if their pet is entertained by screens and what makes them so attractive. Can Cats Watch TV? The short answer is “sort-of.” Many cats can and do participate in television programming. However, they don’t have the same perspective as humans when…

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Pet Care 

How can you tell if your cat is lonely?

Do cats get lonely? Cats can experience loneliness. This is a common misconception. You can help your cat feel happier when home alone by learning how to recognize loneliness. There are many ways you can keep your cat’s spirits up when you’re not home. How to tell if your cat is lonely? Many cat parents know that cats can be notoriously shy about their emotions. If you take the time to observe your cat, you will see that they can express many emotions in their way. Vocalizing is just one-way cats…

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