Pet Care 

Dog chewing

How to stop a dog from chewing? is a question often posed to us, by dog owners of Australia. In this article, we discuss the behavioural problem of chewing that many dog owners deal with on a regular basis. The problems of nipping, mouthing, or chewing in puppies, are addressed in the article ‘Biting and Chewing in Pups’   Why do dogs chew? Dogs chew for a multitude of different reasons, some of which include:   Boredom   Curiosity   Anxiety and stress   Physical reasons – teething   Displacement…

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Pet Care 

Entropion in dogs

Entropion is a condition of dogs where the eyelid rolls into the eye. It is seen in all species, however commonly affects dogs, and in particularly breeds with excessive facial folds, such as pugs and saint bernards.   Entropion is seen in all species, and more commonly occurs in the lower eyelid, causing the eyelashes to rub and abrade the cornea of the affected eye. The constant abrasion of the cornea of the eye is painful and irritating. It often results in the ulceration of the cornea and if left untreated can…

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Pet Care 

Heat stroke in pets

What is heat stroke? Heat stroke or heat stress is a condition in pets, which is often referred to as a “silent killer”. It’s described in this way, because heat stroke isn’t perceived to be overly dangerous, when in actual fact, it’s considered a fatal condition that can quickly claim the life of your pet. But why do pets get heat stroke in the first place? To understand the answer to this question, you need to remember that dogs and cats can’t sweat. As humans, we have the mechanisms to…

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Pet Care 

Furniture scratching in cats

How to keep cats from scratching furniture? Ask any cat owner what the most frustrating thing is about owning a cat, and most will say it is when they scratch the furniture. Although it is a natural behavioural habit of cats, it can be very damaging to your household. Why do cats scratch furniture? Furniture scratching is a normal behaviour for our feline friends. Cats are naturally solitary hunters and scratching is a way for cats to mark their territory. Unfortunately, one of the reasons why the targeted furniture tends to…

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