Giardia In Dogs
Giardia infection can cause severe diarrhea and listlessness in your dog. This parasitic infection is common, but many pet owners are unaware of its existence. This article will provide information about Giardia, its symptoms and treatment options.
What is Giardia in Dogs, and How can it be treated?
A common intestinal infection in dogs and humans, Giardia is spread by the parasite Giardia duodenalis . This parasite is found in the poop of infected animals. This organism lives in your dog’s intestines and can cause diarrhea and weight loss.
Giardia can be a serious condition in dogs. It can cause diarrhea and other intestinal problems. The symptoms will usually go away on their own or, if they persist, can be treated with medication and fluids. However, you should always consult your veterinarian to determine if your dog has Giardia.
Giardia in Dogs: Signs and Symptoms
Giardia can be a common disease in dogs
- Mucus may be present in soft or watery stool
- Watery poop, similar to diarrhea (which may be continuous or intermittent).
- Vomiting
- Excess foul-smelling gas
- Appetite loss
- Weight loss, or failure to lose weight
- Poor coat condition
- Low energy
Dogs can become Giardia-infected without displaying any symptoms.
Giardia is a common disease in dogs
Giardia prevalence in dogs depends on their age, health, and environment. 2
Some studies found that Giardia is particularly dangerous for elderly dogs and puppies.
How Giardia Parasite Spreads in Dogs?
Giardia parasite is found in the intestinal tract of infected animals, where it multiplies. After a few days of being fed in an animal’s digestive tract, the parasites become cysts. Cysts are excreted in an animal’s feces and become immediately infectious. The animal may take several weeks or even months to get rid of all cysts.
Infected feces can be spread to other animals if they contact them. Giardia can occur anywhere dogs fascinate, such as dog parks, backyards, and popular canine play areas like beaches and public parks. Giardia is transmitted via the fecal-oral route. Dogs can become infected if they eat or smell Giardia cysts. Your fur friend could become infected by:
- Contact with infected poop from another animal
- After being exposed to a contaminated surface, like a dog crate, it will lick its skin.
- Playing in contaminated soil is not recommended.
- Drinking water from contaminated waters (e.g., puddles, creeks, ponds and lakes, etc.
If a dog ingests infected feces and then walks into a puddle, the other dogs can become infected by what they drink. Parasitic cysts can survive in an environment for many months, especially in damp and watery areas.
Giardia can also be spread by extremely social dogs, as they may share toys or sniff each other.
Giardia can be transmitted to humans through dogs. However, it is very unlikely that you will become infected. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially after touching your dog’s food, treats, feces or other household items. Protect yourself by cleaning up after your dog, particularly areas such as bowls, bedding, toys, and other household items. ).
Giardia in Dogs
Giardia treatment for dogs is very limited. There is no approved medical treatment for the condition in the United States. Giardia can be diagnosed in dogs by providing water. This is to prevent excessive dehydration. If your dog continues to have symptoms, it is best to consult a veterinarian. Giardia is usually diagnosed by a veterinarian who examines a sample of feces.
If your vet diagnoses Giardia, your dog may be treated with an antibiotic. This could include fenbendazole (a popular anti-wormer) and metronidazole.
Giardia in Dogs – Tips to Reduce the Infection Risk
Some medicines can prevent things such as fleas, but there is no way to protect against Giardia. There are simple ways to prevent infection.
- Do not allow your dog to drink water out of puddles. Make sure your dog has access to clean water every day.
- You should immediately pick up your dog’s feces and not allow your dog to sniff or play with the feces from other dogs.
- Avoid dog parks and other dog-friendly areas.
- You should ensure that your dog is boarded or taken to daycare.
- To remove parasites from your dog’s fur, wash it after being in water bodies such as lakes and ponds.
The Giardia Parasite in Dogs – Last Word
Giardia infection can be very serious for your pet. Giardia can be treated in dogs. It is best to make an appointment with your veterinarian immediately and have your dog examined.
Pets Best is available to help your dog when they need it. Unexpected medical expenses can impact your pet’s health and quality of life.