Pet Dental Health: What happens during a deep tooth cleaning?
Dental health is topic pet parents often overlook when they think about pet health. It is vital to clean your pet’s teeth at all stages of life. According to the American Veterinary Dental College, most pets will have some gum disease by the time they turn three years.
Dental care goes beyond brushing your pet’s teeth. Sometimes, it is necessary to have a veterinary dental procedure performed on your pet, such as deep teeth cleaning. This can help prevent serious dental problems.
A Fresh Start
Healthy teeth and gums for your cat or dog can be achieved at home by providing the right food, treats and toys to prevent bacteria buildup. You can give your pet’s teeth a thorough cleaning at home. Vet dental care isn’t just for the most severe cases. Do not wait until tartar buildup is obvious or your pet has bad breath to schedule a deep cleaning at the vet’s office once a year. Professional pet teeth cleaning is more effective than regular brushing at home. Like a human’s dentist visit, a combination of home care and vet attention can help reduce dental problems in your pet.
Deep Cleaning Details
The cost of a vet dental visit will vary according to the severity and size of the problem. Anaesthesia will be used for all cleanings. A vet will need to reach the area below the gum line to deep clean. This can be uncomfortable for pets that are awake. It is important to anaesthetize your pet to check the gum line and keep it from developing periodontal disease. It would be best if you did not attempt to clean your pet’s gums at your home. This could cause injury and even lead to a nasty scratch.
Scaling and polishing the crown of the teeth (the visible portion) is another component of deep cleaning. You can trust your vet to have the right tools for your pet’s needs. While some may look similar to the ones your dentist uses, veterinary dental kits are made specifically for animals. Your vet will know what special treatment is required for each tooth, from a large Great Dane molar to a small kitten incisor.
A vet might take x-rays of your pet while they are under anaesthesia. Vets may use X-rays just like humans to detect problems in the teeth and jaws that are not visible to the naked eye.
How Frequent Is Vet Dental Care Required?
Talk to your vet when your puppy or kitten is old enough to begin on a puppy or kitten food. They will also show you how to maintain routine dental care at home. Your pet’s health will benefit if you get started as soon as possible. Animals used to have their mouths and heads cleaned from an early age will be more willing to cooperate than those who have to clean them later or after they experience pain. Ask your vet to perform a deep cleaning when your pet has its first-year checkup. According to Animal Wellness Magazine, some breeds like bulldogs or pugs will require more frequent deep cleanings from a vet because of the way their teeth and mouths are formed. However, every dog and cat is unique, so your vet will recommend deep cleanings and general hygiene.
While you may not be in a position to prevent your pet’s bad breath and developing teeth and gum problems, regular cleaning can help to maintain your pet’s health. You and your vet can work together to create a routine that will keep your furry friend happy!